Political gatherings exacerbated the epidemiological situation in Nineveh, local official says

Political gatherings exacerbated the epidemiological situation in Nineveh, local official says

Shafaq News/ The administrator of Nineveh’s Health Directorate, Dr. Falah al-Taie, attributed the soaring infection rates in the governorate to the poor compliance with the preventive measures and the political gatherings ahead of the elections.

Dr. Al-Taie said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "the substantial rise in the cases registered daily in Nineveh is due to social visits, noncompliance with the preventive measures, and gatherings, some of which are political and condolence gatherings held against the law."

"45 Coronavirus patients are in a very critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit. Not to mention the overcrowded hospital specialized in quarantining the patients."

"The Healthcare personnel are exhausted after more than a year of the emergence of the virus in the governorate. 3000 nurse, physician, and administration employee have caught the virus since March 2020."

Dr. Al-Taie warned of a "health crisis" if the citizens fail to abide by the preventive measures. He added, "the hospitals of the governorate cannot handle the burden in the upcoming period, and the available capabilities are very limited."

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