Plasschaert to UNSC: Iranian and Turkish bombardment became a new normal for Iraq

Plasschaert to UNSC: Iranian and Turkish bombardment became a new normal for Iraq
2022-10-04 15:29

Shafaq News/ The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, JeanineHennis -Plasschaert, on Tuesday briefed the UN Security Council (UNSC) on the situation in Iraq and the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). 

"In the past 12 months political discord and power play prevailed over a sense of common duty. Actors across the spectrum left Iraq in a prolonged impasse," UNAMI chief said, "Iraqis were being held hostage to an unpredictable and untenable situation that degenerated in armed clashes."

"There is zero justification for violence. And with risks of further strife and bloodshed very tangible, we can only reiterate the importance of keeping any protest away from violence. It is incumbent on all sides to act responsibly in times of heightened tensions."

"For dialogue to bear fruit, it is crucial that all parties take their seat. There are solutions. But only if there is a willingness to compromise," she continued, "ultimately, it all comes down to political will. All leaders should assume responsibility." 

"Public disillusion is running sky-high. Too many Iraqis have lost faith in the ability of the political class to act in the interest of the country and its people. A continued failure to address this loss of faith, will only exacerbate Iraq’s problems."

"Iraq’s political and governance system ignores the needs of the Iraqi people. Pervasive corruption is a major root cause of Iraqi dysfunctionality. And no leader can claim to be shielded from it. Keeping the system 'as is' will backfire."

"Political fallout of not conducting timely Kurdistan Region elections, of not properly managing public expectations, of neglecting basic democratic principles, will bear a high cost. And if that were to happen, it would not be for a lack of warning." 

"In May, I raised the alarm at Turkish and Iranian shelling in the North having become the 'new normal' for Iraq. With last week’s Iranian attacks, I can now only repeat myself. These reckless acts must cease. No neighbour should treat Iraq as its backyard."

"It is in the power of any Iraqi leader to drag the country into a protracted and deadly conflict, as it is in their power to place the national interest first and lift the country out of this crisis," she said.

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