Parliament to Finalize the President and Prime Minister's files next week

Parliament to Finalize the President and Prime Minister's files next week

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Parliament's session scheduled to be held next week will finalize both the President and the Prime Minister's files, a reliable political source reported to Shafaq News agency.

The source said that during the next Parliamentary session, in which the new President will be elected, the Sadrist Bloc will nominate the new Prime Minister.

He added that the nominee will be chosen upon an agreement between the Sadrist movement, Takadum and Azm coalitions, in addition to the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

The source added that the Sadrists prefer to nominate the PM in the same session with the presidential election, so that the latter can save time and immediately assign him, especially following the Coordination Framework refused to participate in the government without Nouri al-Maliki, who is one of its leaders.

"The Coordination Framework's decision to stick with the head of the state of law coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, expedited the process of nominating candidates for the position of Prime Minister", the source indicated.

There were reports about al-Fatah coalition's intention to join the Sadrist block, while al-Maliki called on the Framework's leaders to stick together, warning that he will abandon whoever takes this decision, regardless of his political or popular weight.

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