PMF source arrests a leader in Imam Ali Brigades for abusing the religious authorities

PMF source arrests a leader in Imam Ali Brigades for abusing the religious authorities

Shafaq News/ A source in the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) revealed details of the incident that took place on Friday evening near the house of the leader of the "Imam Ali Brigades" in the Jadriya area of Baghdad.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "A PMF security force arrested this evening the leader in the PMF’s Imam Ali Brigades, Abu Azrael," explaining that "the Popular Mobilization Authority issued a disciplinary action against him for abusing the religious authorities."

He indicated that this incident led the PMF’s security forces and the "Imam Ali" brigades to exchange gunfire near the house of the brigades leader Shibl al-Zaidi in Jadriya, Baghdad.

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