PMF puts troops on alert as Syria fighting spills over

PMF puts troops on alert as Syria fighting spills over

Shafaq News/ Iraq's military forces went on high alert along the Syrian border on Wednesday as tensions have recently intensified in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor between Arab tribes and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which receive support from US forces, military and security sources told Shafaq News Agency.

Hamid al-Yasiri, commander of the Ansar al-Marjaiya Brigade within the Popular Mobilization Forces, has ordered a military alert in the al-Jazeera areas of Nineveh Province and along the Iraqi-Syrian border.

In a statement, al-Yasiri instructed all brigade members, including those currently on leave, to "immediately report for duty to bolster security in the region."

 Addressing his brigade members, al-Yasiri said, "Wait for the special call that will reach you." However, he did not provide details regarding the specific nature of the mission.

The SDF, backed by the United States, has been battling ISIS militants and other groups in Syria. However, tensions have been rising with Arab tribes in recent months, leading to clashes in the oil-rich Deir ez-Zor.

Earlier this week, video footage emerged showing armed groups, calling themselves "Tribal Forces," taking control of the town of Abu Hamam in eastern Deir ez-Zor after ousting the SDF.

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