PMF commander reveals the circumstances of the ongoing clashes in Sinjar 

PMF commander reveals the circumstances of the ongoing clashes in Sinjar 

Shafaq News/ A commander of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) revealed that the clashes between the Iraqi army and the Sinjar Resistance Units (YBS) erupted when the latter refused to hand over military sites in the city to the former.

The commander of the PMF's Lalish regiment, Khal Ali, expressed discontent with the Iraqi army's move "that have joint headquarters with YBS in Khansur and Gohbel until this moment."

Ali called on the Yazidi community to "kick out the forces of the Iraqi army and the PMF's 80th brigade from Sunoni and Dukri."

YBS Arabs fighting refused to take part in the ongoing confrontations with the Iraqi army in Sinjar's al-Shamal sub-district. 

"Hundreds threw down their arms and left the YBS ranks after the clashes that erupted between the army and the forces loyal to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)," a source revealed. 

Clashes first erupted late on Sunday when the Iraqi military launched an operation to clear the area of YBS forces. 

The fighting between the Iraqi army and the YBS intensified on Monday, spreading to other areas in Sinjar district.

The Iraqi military said the offensive was to dismantle YBS checkpoints that had prevented citizens from returning to their homes and undermined Iraqi state authorities.

Soldiers attempted to open the roads but came under “heavy fire”, the military said in a statement, referencing the presence of “snipers on the rooftops” and mine-riddled roads.

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