One week after the attack on al-Halboosi's headquarters: strict security measures and hidden investigation results

One week after the attack on al-Halboosi's headquarters: strict security measures and hidden investigation results

Shafaq News / The security forces are still following strict security measures in al-Anbar governorate, one week after the headquarters of Parliament Speaker Mohammad al-Halboosi was targeted with four rockets.

The deputy commissioner of Karma district, Ahmad al-Dulaimi, told Shafaq News agency that the district took many security measures in anticipation of any potential attacks, noting that the Baghdad and al-Anbar operations commands are cooperation in controlling the situation in Karma.

He added, "we don't expect a similar incident to last week's attack to happen again".

"The joint committee from joint operations command, finished its work and headed to Baghdad but we haven't been informed about the investigation results until the moment", al-Dulaimi indicated.

The Deputy Commissioner said that the implemented security measures aim to show the security forces' capabilities in front of the enemy and ISIS as well.

On January 26, al-Halboosi's guesthouse in Karma district, east of al-Anbar, was attacked with four rockets, injuring three civilians.

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