Officials report high participation in Iraq's special voting

Officials report high participation in Iraq's special voting

Shafaq News / Officials from the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) in Thi Qar, Maysan, and Diwaniyah governorates announced the midday turnout rates in special voting on Saturday. They confirmed no recorded electoral violations as of the present.

Ra’id Aziz, the election office's media representative in Thi Qar, informed Shafaq News Agency that over 30,000 security personnel were involved in the special ballot across 75 polling stations within 21 electoral districts. The current participation rate has reached 50%, and technical reports have not noted any irregularities, emphasizing smooth proceedings.

Moreover, Salah Na'im, the electoral office media representative in Maysan, stated that 28,000 security personnel were part of the special vote across 69 stations within 20 electoral districts. Over 20,000 monitors, political entity agents, and 22 public election teams are actively observing without recording any violations. The participation rate stood at 36%, expected to rise as the day progresses.

In Diwaniyah, Samir Jaber, the electoral office media representative disclosed that 17,000 security personnel participated in special voting across 42 stations within 14 electoral districts, with no reported electoral breaches.

It is noteworthy that the electoral turnout reached 48%, monitored by 24 local organizations and observed by 11,000 political entity monitors.

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