Official call on Iraqi authorities to address the issue of the security gaps in Diyala

Official call on Iraqi authorities to address the issue of the security gaps in Diyala

Shafaq News / The Deputy Governor of Diyala, Karim Ali Zanganah, told Shafaq News agency that ISIS dens threaten more than 15 villages south and west of Qara Tapa district, due to the nature of the area and its proximity to the Hamrin mountain range, the stronghold of the terrorist organization.

"ISIS dens are concentrated in the areas extending between the outskirts of Jalawla and Qara Tapa to the borders of Jabara sub-district in northeastern Diyala, which are vast security gaps that cannot be addressed without modern security technologies.

Zangana called for finding solutions for the security gaps issue in the vicinity of Qara Tapa and its borders with the administrative units, to protect the citizens from ISIS attacks.

He stressed, "the need for security coordination between the federal forces and al-Hashd al-Shaabi with the Peshmerga forces to find solutions for the soft and hot areas in the outskirts of Qarah Tapa", noting that extensive security campaigns must be carried out regularly. Otherwise, these outposts will remain a source of security threat.

Qara Tapa district is located 112 km northeast of Baquba and includes 66 villages. It is one of the areas covered by Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution and inhabited by Arabs, Kurds, and Turkmen.

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