Official: +80 archeological sites are affected by PKK-Turkey's conflict

Official: +80 archeological sites are affected by PKK-Turkey's conflict

Shafaq News/ Conflicts in the Kurdistan region's northern Duhok put more than 80 archeological sites in jeopardy, the head of the archeology directorate, Pika Perivkani, said on Wednesday.

"The relevant authorities addressed the Turkish consulate-general in Erbil in order to protect the archeological sites inside the conflict area between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers Party," he told Shafaq News Agency, "Turkey asked for a comprehensive survey for all the sites in the area."

"However, it is not feasible because some have already been destroyed or damaged. Some others are unreachable because of the active confrontations," he added.

The official said he was concerned that these sites and caves become military sites, which makes them susceptible to attacks and demolition," he concluded.

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