October Martyrs' Association reject all the nominees for Dhi Qar governor

October Martyrs' Association reject all the nominees for Dhi Qar governor

Shafaq News/ October Martyrs' Association rejected all the nominees for the governor of Dhi Qar, and representative of the association, Abdullah Kashish, revealed what is happening behind the scenes of choosing a new governor. 

 Kashish stated to Shafaq News Agency, "The meeting held recently at the home of the Sheikh of al-Abboudah tribe with members of the movement in Nasiriyah did not agree upon a specific name. Some of the attendees accused some candidates of treasury."

 He added, "The families of the martyrs withdrew from the process of choosing the governor at the meantime," calling for "retaining the interim governor currently, Abdul Ghani Al-Asadi, until the end of the Pope's visit to the city."

 And he continued, "After the visit is over, we shall discuss the matter of choosing the governor," noting, "al-Haboubi and al-Baho conferences do not represent the true voice. The only party authorized to choose the governor are the families of the martyrs exclusively, as per the order of Al-Kadhimi."

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