Nujaifi's front reveals secret moves about electoral districts

Shafaq News / The Salvation and Development Front led by Osama al-Nujaifi revealed, on Monday, that secret talks among influential parties took place.
The front said in a statement received by Shafaq News agency, that "discussions are currently taking place confidentiality on the division of electoral districts in preparation for the implementation of the election law that was previously approved by the House of Representatives and still lacks some technical matters, the most prominent of which is the division of electoral districts."
It he added that the front "warned, in previous statements, of the consequences of some influential parties trying to divide districts in way that guarantee their success,” adding that these actions don’t meet with “the demands of reform called by the national elites, and the protesters in squares."
The Front presented two proposals regarding the division of electoral districts in Nineveh Governorate, the first with four seats for each district, where there are approximately 500 thousand electoral districts, and it is a method that guarantees the feminist representation.
As for the second proposal, it is to divide the governorate into four departments, which are: the first district includes the center of Mosul - and the second district includes Makhmur - Hamdaniya - Bashiqa - Shikhan – Tall Kayf - simele. And the third includes Qayyarah, Shoura, alhammam, Hatra, and Baa’j. And the fourth circle includes Tal Afar and Sinjar.
The front indicated "the lack of a division that might satisfy all parties, but an agreement should be made that suits the majority."
It added, "our people know very well the representatives who have devoted themselves to serving their people in all circumstances and will not forget their efforts and sacrifices. Whatever the divisions of the constituencies, the confidence of their voters in them will remain high and their chances of winning are great."