Nineveh's borders are completely secured, military official confirms

Nineveh's borders are completely secured, military official confirms

Shafaq News / The head of west Nineveh operations command, Jabbar Na'ima al-Ta'i, said that Nineveh's borders are completely secured.

Al-Ta'i told Shafaq News agency three fences are protecting the borders of the governorate, noting that the armed border guards are ready and deployed in control towers.

He added that there is high-level security coordination between the security forces on the borders, noting that there are central headquarters that observe thermographic cameras.

Al-Ta'i indicated that ISIS terrorists will not be able to infiltrate the borders, pointing out that the required measures are already taken and there is no need to implement new ones.

The Deputy Commissioner of al-Qa'im district in al-Anbar, Ahmad al-Mahlawi, said that strict security measures have been taken on the Iraqi-Syrian borders.

Al-Mahlawi told Shafaq News agency that these measures were taken in anticipation of any infiltration attempts by ISIS terrorists, who were able to flee following the explosion that targeted Ghweran prison in Hasaka, northeast Syria.

Yesterday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported the "violent explosion,” noting that the security forces are now heavily deployed in the incident area.

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