National Security Agency captures 21 ISIS members in separate security operations in four governorates

National Security Agency captures 21 ISIS members in separate security operations in four governorates

Shafaq News/ More than 20 persons with links to the terrorist organization of ISIS were captured in separate operations of the National Security Agency in Nineveh, al-Anbar, Diyala, and Kirkuk.

The Security Media Cell (SMC) said that a force from the National Security Agency executed an arrest warrant against six persons who served in al-Jazeera sector under the auspices of ISIS.

In al-Anbar, the National Security Agency dismantled a network of five terrorists operating as a security cell for the extremist group.

A group of four persons with ties to the terrorist group was captured in Diyala. The arrestees confessed to providing logistic support to ISIS cells sheltered in the Hemrin mountains.

In another security operation, the National Security Agency caught six members, including a commander, in the so-called Diwan al-Jund (the personnel affairs department) of the terrorist group in Kirkuk.

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