Mosul to receive the Pope with a white chair amid the ruins

Mosul to receive the Pope with a white chair amid the ruins
Shafaq News/ Mosul Municipality announced on Saturday completing the preparations to host Pope Francis in Hosh Al-Bayaa.

In a press release appended with images of the site where the Pope shall be received, Mosul Municipality said, "this is how Mosul will host His Holiness Pope Francis tomorrow, Sunday, after preparing Hosh Al-Bayaa and providing the logistic supplies by Mosul Municipality, after being appointed to the preparations by the governor of Nineveh, Najem Al-Jubouri."

A white chair is placed on the red carpet amid the ruins left by the wars against ISIS which lasted for ten months in 2017.

Distribution is still quite noticeable in the location since Hosh Al-Bayaa, and the churches around it are ruined due to the military operations in Mosul.

The church ruined the most is the Immaculate church where the Pope will be praying.

ISIS terrorist groups turned the churches into headquarters of what they called Diwan Al-Hesbeh as well as a prison where they executed their cruel penalties.

ISIS terrorist groups used the churches as shelters from the strikes of the Global Coalition that avoids targeting religious sites, especially the churches of Mosul.

However, the besieging of ISIS terrorist groups in the old city, especially near the west riverside, destroyed the area which UNESCO is trying to rebuild.

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