Morning demonstrations in Baghdad, Dhi Qar

Morning demonstrations in Baghdad, Dhi Qar

Shafaq News/ Hundreds of unemployed graduates organized a picket at the front gate of Dhi Qar's oil company to demand jobs, Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported on Sunday morning.

Elsewhere in Dhi Qar, tribespeople from the tribes of Bani Zeid and Khafaja blocked the road that links al-Shatra to the governorate's capital city, Nasiriyah, by burning tires to protest the lack of government action toward drought and poor power supply.

In Baghdad, a group of daily wagers serving in the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) gathered near the headquarters of the Finance Ministry since the early hours of this morning.

The demonstrators called for enrolling them on the permanent government payroll after years as daily wagers.

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