MP impugns the Ministry of Interior for essential commodities' prices Manipulation

MP impugns the Ministry of Interior for essential commodities' prices Manipulation

Shafaq News/ A member of the Parliamentary Services Committee held the Ministry of Interior liable for the manipulation of commodities' prices, referring to lax market monitoring procedures.

Committee Member, MP Manar al-Shadidi, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "over the past six months, monitoring has been loose, and prices have skyrocketed amid a total lack of effective authority by the Ministry of Interior."

Al-Shadidi continued, "how do the Parliament and the delay of the approval of the Federal Budget bill relate to the surreal prices of basic commodities that surpassed the dollar's exchange rates by astronomical measures?"

"Maintaining the food security of the Iraqi citizen, providing the sustenance of lower classes, and holding the market manipulators accountable are the responsibilities of the Ministry of Interior. The Ministry has offered no response and took zero measures towards this issue."

The Prices of food products in the Iraqi markets have soared up to intersidereal levels due to the shaky exchange rates of the U.S. dollar and the inadequate regulation of Import and Export processes.

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