Law enforcement forces use live bullets to disperse the demonstrators

Law enforcement forces use live bullets to disperse the demonstrators

Shafaq News/ Law enforcement forces used live bullets to disperse the masses demonstrating in al-Tahrir Square, downtown the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, according to Eyewitnesses.

Demonstrators gathered today in al-Tahrir Square, near Bab Sharqi, to demand revealing the identities of those involved in killing demonstrators and activists.

Eyewitnesses told Shafaq News Agency that a demonstrator sustained severe injuries when security forces opened fire towards the demonstrators.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported clashes between demonstrators and security forces in al-Tahrir Square when the latter attempted to confine the infuriated demonstrators in the Bab Sharqi area. Three security officers and two demonstrators were injured in the skirmishes.

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