Kurdish MP pledges to recover Kurds' position in Saladin

Kurdish MP pledges to recover Kurds' position in Saladin

Shafaq News / MP of Saladin governorate, Mulla Karim Shakour, told Shafaq News agency that efficient plans had been introduced to recover the government positions that Kurds have been deprived of since seven years.

Shakour criticized the administrative representation of Kurds in Saladin, as they are allowed to obtain one position, which is the electricity distribution department, noting that the position of Tuz Khurmatu's deputy commissioner must be filled with a Kurdish individual, since Kurds represent the majority of the population in the district.

The Kurds complain of demographic Arabization campaigns and security and administrative marginalization, which intensified and expanded after the events of October 16, 2017, when the independence referendum was held. 

There are more than 50,000 kurdish citizens in Saladin, most of them live in Tuz Khurmatu.

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