Kirkuk issue is deeper than the KDP headquarters, President Barzani says

Kirkuk issue is deeper than the KDP headquarters, President Barzani says
2021-09-21 10:08

Shafaq News/ The Vice President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), President of the Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani, the Kirkuk issue is more profound than just reopening the KDP headquarters there.

President Barzani's comments came in a statement to journalists when asked about reopening his party's headquarters in the disputed governorate between Baghdad and Erbil.

"It is not solely about reopening the KDP headquarters in Kirkuk. It is a deep and serious issue that requires a solution."

"It is imperative to address the Kirkuk issue within the framework of Iraq, including Article 140 of the Constitution," he added.

"The Region's ties with Baghdad are good, but some issues must be talked about and solved," he added, "I hope we can address them after the elections."

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