Kirkuk ISIS ambush: A symptom of regional instability

Kirkuk ISIS ambush: A symptom of regional instability

Shafaq News/ A deadly double explosion in Kirkuk has exposed a severe security breach, as ISIS militants launched a lethal ambush on Iraqi forces conducting a reconnaissance mission in Zghaitoun Valley. The attack, which killed four officers and injured four others, has reignited concerns about ISIS activity in the region and highlights the militant group's ability to exploit gaps in security, while regional tensions between Israel and Iran continue to mount.

A Double Explosion

On Wednesday, Iraq’s Security Media Cell confirmed that security officers had been killed in an ISIS ambush in the Kirkuk region.

Briga. Gen. Miqdad Miri, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior and the Security Media Cell, said in a statement “At 10:00 AM on Wednesday, during a reconnaissance mission by the intelligence unit of the 42nd Brigade, 11th Division, in Zghaitoun Valley, within the Kirkuk Operations Command, the unit was ambushed by ISIS militants. The attack resulted in the martyrdom of four soldiers and left three others with moderate and minor injuries.”

A senior security source provided further details, telling Shafaq News, “Today’s incident represents a serious security breach. The initial force was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED), leading to the deaths of four non-commissioned officers. When reinforcements from the 42nd Brigade arrived, they too were struck by another IED, resulting in injuries to four personnel, including a lieutenant colonel.”

The source added that ISIS cells remain active in the outskirts of Kirkuk, and the Iraqi security forces have been conducting continuous operations, including airstrikes and direct engagements, to suppress these militant groups.

Inside the Hospital

A medical source from Kirkuk General Hospital told Shafaq News, “four non-commissioned officers were killed. Additionally, four others were wounded, including a lieutenant colonel born in 1984, who sustained injuries to his right leg. Three other soldiers, also from Baghdad, were wounded, with one suffering injuries to his right hand and another sustaining injuries to his leg. The fourth injured soldier, born in 1994 and from Maysan governorate, suffered wounds to his leg and back. All the injured were reported to be in stable condition.

When attempted to gather more information from the wounded at,

Officers from the 42nd Brigade declined to comment or allow Shafaq News correspondent to take photos of the wounded at Kirkuk General Hospital, stating they were not authorized to provide statements on such security incidents.

Zghaitoun Valley: A Longtime Militant Stronghold

Zghaitoun Valley, which stretches from the Al-Rashad district to the Hamrin Mountains and connects to Daquq district in southern Kirkuk, is notorious for its rugged terrain and history as a haven for terrorist groups.

Nicknamed the "Valley of Death," it has been a stronghold for organizations like Ansar al-Sunna, the Naqshbandi Army, and al-Qaeda, which eventually evolved into ISIS.

The valley's challenging geography includes dense vegetation and large water bodies during the winter, along with mountainous terrain that connects to the Hamrin range. These features have made the valley a hiding spot for militants who can evade detection by security forces. Iraqi forces have frequently deployed F-16 fighter jets to carry out airstrikes targeting militant hideouts in the area.

Al-Zarka and Al-Shay Valleys

Al-Zarka Valley, another ISIS stronghold, stretches between Daquq and Tuz Khurmatu and extends to the Al-Azim area. The valley's dense vegetation and difficult terrain make surveillance challenging, except by air. The area spans across three governorates—Kirkuk, Saladin, and Diyala—and has been a longtime refuge for militants.

Sheikh Shaalan al-Jubouri told Shafaq News, “Zghaitoun and Al-Shay Valleys in Al-Rashad and Daquq (40 kilometers south of Kirkuk) continue to see ISIS activity. Today’s incident is clear evidence that ISIS cells remain active and are targeting security forces.”

He added, “The security forces need to act decisively to eliminate these groups, particularly in their main strongholds in Zghaitoun, Al-Shay, and Al-Zarka, which lie along the border between Kirkuk and Saladin.”

Connection Between Kirkuk Incident And Israeli-Iranian Conflict

Ali Al-Bayati, a security expert, suggested a link between the Kirkuk attack and the broader regional conflict. “The war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza, along with Hezbollah’s engagement with Israel in Lebanon, has a significant impact on the security situation in Iraq. ISIS tends to exploit such crises to target Iraqi security forces, and this is exactly what happened today,” he explained.

Al-Bayati further noted that the outskirts of Kirkuk remain one of the most active areas for ISIS operations. “These groups are particularly concentrated in Al-Rashad, Zghaitoun, and Al-Shay Valleys in Daquq, as well as the outskirts of Al-Dibis, which stretches towards Altun Kupri, located 65 kilometers northwest of Kirkuk.”

“These areas represent security gaps between the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga forces, which ISIS exploits to carry out attacks on security personnel from time to time,” he added.

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