Kirby: ISIS threat still exists in Iraq and Syria

Kirby: ISIS threat still exists in Iraq and Syria

Shafaq News / Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, John Kirby, confirmed today that ISIS still poses a threat to Iraq and Syria.

Kirby told Fox News' reporter, "our job in Syria is very limited to counter ISIS fights and to helping the Syrian Democratic Forces continue to go after that threat. Nobody wants to see Syria further destabilize as what it already is."

"I think it's important -and we said this routinely -that all neighboring nations, particularly in that region, should have a stake in a more stable Syria, we don't want to see refugee flows, we certainly don't want to see the conflict expand."

"But for us, our purpose here at the Pentagon is to make sure that we are staying locked on to that ISIS threat which still exists in Syria, and quite frankly in Iraq, too", he added.

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