KRSC dismantles a dangerous ISIS cell in the region

KRSC dismantles a dangerous ISIS cell in the region

Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Region Security Council announced dismantling an ISIS network that received orders from the organization's "Khalifa" to carry out terrorist attacks in the region.

The council said in a statement, "Within the continuous efforts of the institutions of the Kurdistan Region Security Council aimed at thwarting terrorist plots against Kurdistan, our institutions have obtained information that the Khalifa of the terrorist organization ISIS, Haji Abdullah, ordered both Harith, the governor of the North, and Abu Walid, the security emir of the State of Syria, to carry out terrorist attacks through a cell that includes a number of terrorists who were arrested."

"During the investigations, the terrorists admitted that they were planning to plant explosive devices and use pistols equipped with silencers," he added.

He pointed out, "two terrorists were not able to enter Kurdistan directly at the beginning of February 2021, so they infiltrated into Syria illegally to go to Turkey, and went from Turkey to Iran, to reach the town of Rania and then Erbil.

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