KRG delegation to Baghdad: Salaries should not be involved in the political disputes

KRG delegation to Baghdad: Salaries should not be involved in the political disputes

Shafaq News / The head of Kurdistan Regional Government’s delegation in Baghdad, Faris Issa, met with the Secretary-General of the Iraqi Council of Ministers, Hamid Naim al-Ghazi, as the former renewed the position of Erbil’s willingness to resolve the pending issues with Baghdad.


The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, announced in a telegram on Eid al-Adha a few days ago that the talks between the two sides will be resumed soon.


According to a statement issued by the regional government delegation to Baghdad, Issa visited Ghazi and discussed the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic and the economic conditions in the region and Iraq.


The statement added that the two sides affirmed the cooperation and coordination between the federal government and the regional government.


The statement quoted the representative of the regional government, "the salaries and sustenance of the region’s employees should not be involved in political problems and conflicts. The federal government must solve this issue".


On resolving differences and outstanding issues, Faris Issa said that Kurdistan Regional Government has shown its willingness to resolve the outstanding disputes according to the constitution.


A delegation from Kurdistan Regional Government will soon visit the capital, Baghdad, to resume negotiations over the salaries and the region’s share of the budget.

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