JOC briefs on security preparations for Arbaeen pilgrimage

JOC briefs on security preparations for Arbaeen pilgrimage

Shafaq News / The Joint Operations Command provided insights to Shafaq News Agency about the preparations for the forthcoming religious pilgrimage on the 40th day (Arbaeen) that will fall on Wednesday, September 6th. Authorities anticipate the participation of around 7 million foreign visitors during the pilgrimage.

The spokesperson for the Joint Operations Command, Major General Tahsin Al-Khafaji, revealed that "the Joint Operations Command held a conference yesterday, chaired by the Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command." He further explained that "the meeting was of utmost significance, conducted in a closed circuit with the leadership of the various operations, attended by the Commander of Ground Forces, the Assistant Chief of Staff of the Popular Mobilization Forces, and the Commander of the 9th Armored Division."

Al-Khafaji elaborated that "the meeting encompassed discussions on the security plan for the pilgrimage. This year is a notable year, and everyone is committed to ensuring the success of the pilgrimage." He added, "We anticipate the arrival of around 5 to 7 million foreign visitors."

He continued, "We have established comprehensive service and operational plans, and the latter has been in motion for a considerable time. The Iraqi Air Force has targeted terrorist hideouts in Tuz Khurmatu. Today, significant preemptive operations were executed in various sectors."

Highlighting intensified intelligence and security efforts, Al-Khafaji confirmed, "We have deployed 15,000 security personnel and ramped up the number of inspectors."

He noted, "We have outlined three security axes: the Popular Mobilization Forces' axis, the Interior Ministry axis, and the Defense axis. Directives have been issued for processions to collaborate with security forces."

Al-Khafaji emphasized "a substantial security alertness in terms of monitoring and providing services for all visitors."

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