Islamic Resistance in Iraq attacks Israeli sites in Golan Heights

Islamic Resistance in Iraq attacks Israeli sites in Golan Heights

Shafaq News/ On Friday, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI) claimed responsibility for targeting an Israeli site in the Golan Heights, Syria.

In a statement, the group said they are "continuing our approach in resisting the occupation, supporting our people in Gaza, and response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against Palestinian civilians including children, women, and elderly."

The targeting, carried out early Friday morning, involved using drones to target a military site in the occupied Golan Heights.

The group reaffirmed their commitment to targeting the "strongholds of our enemies," as stated in the released statement.

The Islamic resistance in Iraq commonly refers tо Tehran's military allies in Iraq, including powerful groups such as Kata'ib Hezbollah and Harakat Al-Nujabaa.

It is a prominent part of the "Axis оf Resistance," which includes Lebanon's Hezbollah, the Yemeni Ansarallah (Houthis), and other factions backed by Iran.

IRI stated that all its operations are to "expel the American occupation" and іn support оf "Palestinian brothers."

So far, more than 200 attacks have targeted US bases and Israeli sites, with the deadliest attack being іn Jordan when Kata'ib Hezbollah killed three American soldiers at a US base іn January.

All groups within the Axis have declared that their attacks will persist until a ceasefire is achieved in the Gaza Strip, where Israel's actions have resulted in the deaths of over 32,000 Palestinians, predominantly children and women.

The Israeli war has also displaced approximately 1.5 million people, leading to the destruction оf infrastructure, hospitals, schools, and even UN facilities.

The United Nations reported that the Gaza Strip is currently experiencing famine conditions, exacerbated by Tel Aviv's rejection оf humanitarian aid through Rafah.

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