Iraqi soldier injured in an ISIS attack in Saladin

Iraqi soldier injured in an ISIS attack in Saladin

Shafaq News / A security source in Saladin reported that a soldier was wounded in an ISIS attack on Friday evening, east of the governorate. 

The source told Shafaq News agency that ISIS terrorists attacked military points of the third regiment on the road linking Tikrit and Tuz Khurmatu with sniper weapons and mortar shells.

The attack, which is the third one during the month of Ramadan, injured an Iraqi soldier. 

 The source stressed that the situation is under control after the arrival of military reinforcements, which launched a search campaign to pursue and arrest the perpetrators. 

The eastern regions of Saladin are witnessing continuous attacks due to its location between ISIS hot spots between Hamrin mountains and the borders of Diyala and Kirkuk.

However, a security source in Diyala told Shafaq News agency that ISIS terrorists kidnapped two persons in Khanaqin district, before they attacked points belonging to the second regiment in Al-Qaya area.

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