Iraqi security forces seize missiles and explosives in Kirkuk

Iraqi security forces seize missiles and explosives in Kirkuk

Shafaq News/ Iraqi security forces seized explosives and projectiles in two separate operations in Kirkuk earlier today, Thursday.

A press release by the Security Media Cell (SMC) said that a force from the 31st brigade of the eighth mechanized infantry division seized three boxes of 60mm mortar shells, two launch plates, and other equipment near al-Debs dam in Nemra-8 territory.

In the same context, a force from al-Hashd al-Shaabi's (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) 14th brigade, the 7th Emergency regiment, and the special forces brigade raided a site in Tuz Khurmato.

The force found two missiles, one launchpad, a mobile phone, and other equipment.

The seized equipment, SMC said, were dealt with according to the standard procedures.

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