Iraqi security forces apprehend two terrorists and thwarts drug smuggling operation

Iraqi security forces apprehend two terrorists and thwarts drug smuggling operation

Shafaq News/ Iraqi security forces arrest two terrorists, foiled a drug delivery operation, and detained a non-Iraqi national attempting to enter the Iraqi territory.

The Federal Police command said in a press release today, Tuesday, that a force from the second brigade of the first division of the Federal Police arrested a terrorist in al-Obaidi area, Baghdad.

A force from the 13th brigade of the fourth division apprehended another ISIS terrorist in Mukeshefah, North of Samarra.

The two terrorists are wanted in accordance with Article 4/Terrorism, the press release said.

The two terrorists were referred to the relevant authorities to continue the inquiries and legal proceedings against them.

The Military Intelligence Directorate said in a press release today, Tuesday, that the military intelligence of the 7th division, in cooperation with the first regiment of the 28th Infantry Brigade, and in coordination with the Intelligence of al-Jazeera command, thwarted an attempt to transfer 4000 illicit drug pill from al-Qaim to Baghdad.

The Commission of Border-Crossings apprehended an Iranian national attempting to enter the Iraqi territory illegally without a passport at al-Sheeb border crossing.

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