Iraqi military deploys new tactics in Hemrin mountains, senior officer says

Iraqi military deploys new tactics in Hemrin mountains, senior officer says

Shafaq News/ Iraq's Joint Operations Command, the highest military authority in the country, has deployed a new tactic in the ongoing operations at Hemrin mountain range, spokesperson Major-General Tahseen al-Khafaji revealed on Sunday.

Al-Khafaji said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "the rugged terrain of Mount Hemrin makes it difficult to deploy and move the troops. For this reason, the situation was handled by a different approach. Targets identified via accurate intelligence information are neutralized by aerial attacks. It made huge achievements recently, including the killing of prominent and influential commanders of the terrorist organization."

"Hemrin mountain range is rugged and huge. It extends from the north to the south of Iraq and ends in Badra, Jassan, and inside the Iraqi-Iranian borders," he explained, "we utilized a new tactic to eradicate the remnants of the ISIS organization. Aerial reconnaissance, night thermographic surveillance, security and intelligence work, provide the Iraqi aircraft with the targets to strike the areas that do not allow the military units to station and move freely."

With the Peshmerga forces on board, large-scale military operation has been launched to clear ISIS hotspots in the territories located near Hemrin at the borders of Saladin.

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