Iraqi lawmaker pushes for early marriage and shared custody reforms in Personal Status Law

Iraqi lawmaker pushes for early marriage and shared custody reforms in Personal Status Law

Shafaq News/ On Sunday, Raed al-Maliki, a member of Iraq's Parliamentary Legal Committee, announced that the second reading of the proposed amendments to the Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959 will take place in the next parliamentary session, with potential changes to the legal marriage age and child custody provisions.

Al-Maliki, the lawmaker who proposed the amendment, told Shafaq News Agency, "Yesterday, we requested the Speaker of the Council of Representatives to include the second reading of the Personal Status Law amendments on the parliament's agenda, and we received a promise from the Speaker to include it in the nearest session."

He explained that the upcoming second reading will be focused on listening to the comments and input of other members of parliament on the proposed changes.

"The current Personal Status Law allows marriage at the age of 15 if there is a necessary reason, and we are in favor of setting the marriage age close to this, possibly at 14, with the consent and presence of the legal guardian at the time of the marriage contract," al-Maliki noted.

Al-Maliki also highlighted a proposal concerning child custody, suggesting that the age for custody could be set at seven years for both boys and girls. "We are working towards a shared custody arrangement, where the visitation rules will be organized to allow both parents to see and take their children, not in the manner currently stipulated by the law."

The Iraqi Parliament completed the first reading of the proposed amendments to the Personal Status Law on August 4, sparking widespread debate among lawmakers, civil society organizations, legal experts, and the Iraqi public. The proposed changes have seen both strong opposition and support.

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