Iraqi forces surround ISIS members in tunnels in Mosul

Iraqi forces surround ISIS members in tunnels in Mosul

Shafaq News/ A joint force of the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS) and the Popular Mobilization (PMF) confined ISIS members in Nineveh.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency that four PMF brigades are now surrounding ISIS suicide bombers holed up in tunnels in Jazeerat Al-Hatr. At the same time, the CTS forces are located in the Badosh Mountains, northwest of Mosul, surrounding other ISIS elements hidden in the tunnels.

CTS is urging ISIS elements to surrender but to no avail. The source added.

"The Counter-Terrorism Service, in cooperation with the Falcons Cell in the Federal Intelligence and Investigation Agency, and with the support of the Iraqi Air Force and aviation, is carrying out a qualitative operation in the Badosh Mountains in Nineveh," CTS said in a statement.

The operation is a part of an extensive campaign against ISIS in the Nineveh governorate.

Earlier today, An Iraqi force including PMF, Iraqi Army, Intelligence Agencies and National Security units launched a security campaign at the same site. 

Yesterday, the Iraqi forces killed seven terrorists in this location.

Mosul, home to up to 1.5 million people, had been the headquarters of ISIS's self-declared caliphate in northern Iraq.

In 2014, when ISIS completely controlled Mosul, it placed booby traps across the city. It dug tunnels as part of preparations to prevent Iraqi security forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition, from taking Mosul back.

The terrorist organization uses the tunnels to move equipment and men.

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