Iraqi forces killed five terrorists in Kirkuk

Iraqi forces killed five terrorists in Kirkuk

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, Iraqi F-16s bombarded two ISIS hideouts, where the terrorists are believed to be holed up.

The spokesperson for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Maj. Gen. Yahya Rasool said that a force of the Counter-Terrorism Service, backed by the Iraqi aircraft, raided two terrorist organization sites in Qoshkaya of Al-Dibs district in Kirkuk Governorate.

The operation was based on intelligence provided by the Global Coalition and the Iraqi Aviation to the Counter-Terrorism Service.

The attack killed five ISIS members and eradicated the two caves. Rasool said.

He added, "The terrorists nicknamed Abu Al-Zubayr, Rimah, Abdul Rahman, Abu Khattab, and Abu Junaid." They were all militants.

Recently, ISIS became more active in Kirkuk, and the Iraqi Army carried out many operations against it in collaboration with the US-led Coalition.

Earlier this month, Iraqi warplanes destroyed a pivotal headquarters of ISIS in Kirkuk.

The Security Media Cell (SMC) said that the Iraqi F-16 fighter jets bombed a site of the terrorist organization in the Zghaytoun valley, southwestern Kirkuk.

"The airstrike was carried out following intel provided by the Counter-Terrorism-Services (CTS) in cooperation with the targets designation panel of the Joint Operations Command," the SMC said.

In 2017, Iraq declared final victory over ISIS after Iraqi forces drove its last remnants from the country, three years after the militant group captured about a third of Iraq's territory.

Yet, ISIS still has sleeper cells in several Iraqi Governorates.

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