Iraqi doctors to immigrate to save their lives

Iraqi doctors to immigrate to save their lives

Shafaq News / The Human Rights Commission in Iraq warned, on Friday, against the migration of doctors to outside Iraq due to the abuse of medical staff, while stressing the necessity of dealing with those who violate doctors and health institutions in accordance with the anti-terrorism law.

A member of the Commission, Fadel Al-Gharawi told Shafaq News agency, "the violations on the doctors and health staff are a flagrant violation of human rights.”

Al-Gharawi added, "The attacks on the medical staff calls for the government to take measures to finish this situation," noting that "the legislation did not go to basic issues, including the law on protecting doctors. As a result, we must restore legislative priorities and focus on laws that support these rights." ".

Al-Gharawi warned that, "Otherwise, the medical staff will only find emigration from Iraq to preserve their lives."

Yesterday, Thursday, the director of Al-Amal Hospital in Najaf Governorate was subjected to an assault by the family of a patient who died of coronavirus.

Cases of abuse and attacks on doctors and health staff in hospitals increased with the outbreak of the Coronavirus which led many patients to stay in hospital to receive treatment.

 Among those incidents also, what caused the closure of a hospital in Basra Governorate earlier, as a result of a mass attack on a doctor.

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