Iraqi authorities disclose details of arresting the Pension Authority's fraud network

Iraqi authorities disclose details of arresting the Pension Authority's fraud network

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Interior revealed shocking details about a fraud network in the Pension Authority.

The spokesman for the Interior, Major General Saad Maan, said in statements to the Iraqi state television that the investigation with the authority gang is still ongoing, adding that the security services had arrested 29 accused in this case, including 13 employees in the authority. 

Maan said that the gang is led by Abu Hashim and his wife who had two offices, one in Shawaka and the second in Mansour.

Last Sunday, the Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced that it had dismantled a large fraud network consisted of 29 employees in the Public Retirement Authority, noting that it cost the state more than 30 billion dinars per month by paying salaries to ineligible people. 

In a statement, the Ministry said that the accused used to issue retirement IDs for people and grant them salaries of up to 8 million Iraqi dinars, as well as large financial differences with an average of 260 million Iraqi dinars, without legal entitlement."

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