Iraqi MPs: the fiscal law harms Kurdistan's people and radical solutions must be considered

Iraqi MPs: the fiscal law harms Kurdistan's people and radical solutions must be considered

Shafaq News / A group of Iraqi MPs condemned on Friday passing the law on financing the fiscal deficit by the majority and without the votes of Kurdish MPs. 

MPs Muzahim Al-Tamimi, Adnan Al-Zarfi, Muhammad Sahib Al-Darraji and Muhammad Shi`a Al-Sudani, said in a joint statement received by Shafaq News agency , "after a difficult labor under difficult circumstances, after discussions that lasted for more than twenty hours and frequent postponements in order to obtain a unified position for all political blocs; the House of Representatives was able to reach a mechanism for a financial deficit financing law that was approved The majority, although borrowing alone does not represent a convincing solution to the current economic and financial crises. Moreover, the government and all state institutions must work to discuss immediate and convincing reform measures to address the crisis situation in the country."

" Undoubtedly, the decision was not unanimous as in the usual case with laws and legislations. However, there are - unfortunately - attempts to impart a political dimension to the law and present it as if it were targeting a specific party and we mean here our Kurdish brothers, partners of the homeland," adding, "We consider this act as an attempt to evade the negligence and seriousness that both governments suffered - the federal or the region - throughout the previous years.

This negatively affected our people in our governorates and in the region, not to mention that the failure to confront these problems on both sides, specifically the regional government was the main reason for the crisis intensified day after day, and even escalated to the point it has reached now."

They explained, "Everyone knows that the federal government failed to find solutions to the financial crisis - except for borrowing - and did not propose a solution that regulates the disbursement of the region's dues in a way that achieves justice. This puts everyone against this complexity. Therefore, amid these difficult challenges facing our country, the federal government, the regional government and influential political leaders must seize this remaining opportunity until the new year in preparing the budget (2021) in working to overcome the current situation."

The MPs affirmed their, "refusal to cause harm to our people in Kurdistan region, and with our understanding of the position of our fellow Kurdish MP, we believe that it is appropriate to take a step toward healing the rift and bridging views in order to reach agreements that serves all our citizens equally."

They continued, "We call on the Presidency of the  Council of Representatives to form a joint parliamentary committee that includes MPs from the region and all governorates to discuss finding a legal radical solution to the basic problems between the region and the federal government, including the legal texts of 2021 budget in a way that is consistent with the constitution and the law and achieves justice in the distribution of wealth among the people of the same country."

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