Iraqi Army Foils ISIS Attack in Baghdad

Iraqi Army Foils ISIS Attack in Baghdad

Shafaq News / The Iraqi army successfully thwarted an attempted attack by the ISIS terrorist organization in the capital city of Baghdad.

A responsible security source informed Shafaq News Agency that precise security information reached the command of the 17th Division, 25th Brigade of the army, regarding the presence of a suicide belt and prepared explosive devices. Immediately, an intelligence officer from the brigade proceeded to the location to conduct a search in the Yousifiyah area, specifically in the Sayyid Abdullah district, located in southern Baghdad.

The officer discovered a suicide belt and explosive devices at the site. Without delay, a task force was formed by a unit from the 25th Brigade, which secured the area. An explosives expert was summoned to safely defuse the mentioned materials, and the operation concluded without any noteworthy incidents.

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