Iraq to streamline foreign and Arab labor with new regulations, including unions

Iraq to streamline foreign and Arab labor with new regulations, including unions

Shafaq News/ Iraq's Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced a package of reforms on Thursday, streamlining regulations for foreign and Arab workers in the country.

The measures, an official statement said, aim to create a more efficient system for businesses while ensuring transparency and protections for the workforce.

"These changes will simplify procedures for companies, workers, and the government itself, all while maintaining proper worker classification," the ministry said.

Labor Minister Ahmed al-Asadi, speaking at a press conference with industry representatives, emphasized that the reforms align with the government's "Year of Labor" initiative, which "focuses on strengthening labor departments, social security programs, and occupational safety initiatives."

The reforms introduce a series of changes, including reduced penalties and fees. "companies facing regulation violations will encounter a more measured penalty system, while application fees for foreign workers are significantly reduced."

Businesses, per the new regulations, can now recruit more foreign workers, with enhanced monitoring measures to ensure proper labor practices.

The statement said the ministry "supports forming company unions to address foreign labor recruitment concerns" and will establish "a dedicated committee to review workforce contorl requests."

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