Iraq's Judiciary Dispatches International Arrest Warrant for Refugee Accused of Quran Desecration in Stockholm

Iraq's Judiciary Dispatches International Arrest Warrant for Refugee Accused of Quran Desecration in Stockholm

Shafaq News/ The Supreme Judicial Council of Iraq has issued an arrest warrant against Sulwan Sabah Mate Momeka, a refugee of Iraqi descent who set alight a copy of the Quran near Stockholm's Great Mosque.

The warrant, bearing the date of July 6, carries the signature of the Chief Public Prosecutor, Judge Najem Abdullah Ahmed.

Citing the parameters of Article 1/372 of the Iraqi Penal Code, the document mandates Momeka's pursuit beyond the confines of Iraq's borders, reflecting the gravity of the charges leveled against him.

In the interests of procedural compliance, the Public Prosecution Office issued an imperative to the Directorate - a critical cog within the Ministry of Interior’s operations. It urged immediate notification upon Momeka's arrest, to enable the swift initiation of subsequent legal measures under the law.

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