Iraq's Intelligence arrested an ISIS leader in Diyala

Iraq's Intelligence arrested an ISIS leader in Diyala

Shafaq News / On Friday, the Iraqi Intelligence Service announced the arrest of an ISIS member in the Diyala Governorate.

The Agency said, "The Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency in the Ministry of Interior apprehended a dangerous terrorist in Diyala, known as Abu Maryam."

The arrested confessed to working with the so-called military official of the Hemrin and Jalawla mountains. "He secured  logistical support for terrorist gangs."

In 2017, Iraq declared victory over ISIS after Iraqi forces drove its last remnants from the country; the militant group captured about a third of Iraq's territory.

The war has had a devastating impact on the areas previously controlled by the militants. About 3.2 million people remain displaced.

Yet, ISIS still has sleeper cells in several Iraqi Governorates.

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