Iraq imposes a new lockdown and tightens restrictions amid surging COVID-19 cases

Iraq imposes a new lockdown and tightens restrictions amid surging COVID-19 cases

Shafaq News/ Iraq imposes a new lockdown as the country experiences a surge in new coronavirus infections, coupled with a slow vaccine rollout.

Mass gatherings are prohibited and malls, cafes, cinemas, parks, event halls, swimming pools, gymnasiums will remain closed. Pharmacies and grocery stores are exempt, and restaurants can provide takeout only.

During a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, the recommendations of the Higher Committee for Health and National Safety were approved, which included expediting vaccination rollouts for public servants and reducing working hours in government departments. 

A statement from the prime minister’s office said the new lockdown measures come in response to "an increase in the number of cases throughout Iraq."

Security forces, Healthcare professionals, and humanitarian and emergency cases are exempted from the curfew imposed from 11 pm to 5 am daily. 

Until further notice, arrivals from countries that bar unvaccinated Iraqis from entering their territory are barred from traveling to Iraq unless they complete their vaccination profile as approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Health. 

Less than 2% of Iraq’s population of 40 million has been vaccinated against the coronavirus. Since rolling out its national vaccination campaign in late March

The Ministry of Health is encouraging Iraqis to sign up for a vaccination online or by visiting a health clinic to receive either the AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Sinopharm vaccine.

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