Iraq condemns Israeli airstrike on Beirut Suburb targeting Hezbollah leader

Iraq condemns Israeli airstrike on Beirut Suburb targeting Hezbollah leader

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned an Israeli airstrike on the southern suburb of Beirut that targeted a senior Hezbollah leader, calling the attack a "blatant violation of international law and conventions."

In a statement issued Wednesday, the Ministry warned that the "strike poses a serious threat to regional stability and could have negative repercussions on security and peace in the region."

"The international community must assume its responsibilities and intervene immediately to put an end to these violations and repeated assaults and to protect civilians in Lebanon," the statement said.

The Israeli army stated it carried out a "precision strike" in southern Beirut, targeting Hezbollah commander Fouad Shukr (Hajj Mohsen). Israel claimed Shukr was killed in the attack, while Hezbollah did not confirm.

Lebanese officials said three civilians were killed and 74 wounded in the strike.

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