Iraq arrests 38,000 drug dealers over three years: Human Rights Chief

Iraq arrests 38,000 drug dealers over three years: Human Rights Chief

Shafaq News/ Iraq's General Directorate of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances announced the arrest of 38,000 drug dealers and possessors over the past three years, according to Fadel Al-Gharawi, head of the Strategic Center for Human Rights in Iraq.

In a statement on Wednesday, Al-Gharawi detailed the arrests, revealing that in 2022, authorities apprehended 17,000 individuals, including 123 foreigners, and seized half a ton of various drugs and 18 million drug pills.

2023 saw the arrest of 7,000 dealers and possessors, with 12 tons of drugs and psychotropic substances confiscated, while in 2024, another 7,000 individuals were arrested and an additional 12 tons of drugs and psychotropic substances seized.

Al-Gharawi highlighted that drug use in impoverished areas has reached 17%, with the most affected age group being 15 to 30 years old.

The most commonly abused substances are crystal meth (37.3%) and Captagon (34.35%), with other drugs making up 28.35%.

In terms of drug destruction, Al-Gharawi reported that in 2022, authorities destroyed 5,000 tons of drugs and psychotropic substances, 54 million drug pills, 31,000 ampoules, and 9,000 bottles of various drugs.

In 2023, they destroyed 2.118 tons of drugs and 4,934,132 drug pills. The year 2024 saw the destruction of 42,322,380 milligrams of various drugs and psychotropic substances, along with 772 drug pills.

Al-Gharawi called for June 26 to be designated as the national day for drug prevention. He also urged the elevation of the General Directorate of Drug Affairs to an agency level under the Minister of Interior, a national campaign for drug prevention, enhanced international cooperation in combating drugs, stricter penalties for drug dealers, and the establishment of rehabilitation centers for people with an addiction.

The world marks June 26 each year as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, promoting global action and cooperation to achieve a drug-free world based on a UN General Assembly resolution adopted on December 7, 1987.

In a statement marking this occasion, the Iraqi Ministry of Interior noted the arrest of numerous international and local drug traffickers, who have been prosecuted and received severe sentences.

The ministry emphasized its commitment to international cooperation, given the cross-border nature of drug crimes. "We have significant cooperation with neighboring countries and others to eliminate these poisons, continuously pursuing smugglers and traffickers and preventing their malicious attempts to promote drugs," the statement said.

The ministry reiterated its support for global efforts to eradicate drugs and its backing of entities that assist security agencies in their fight against drugs, which it equated with the threat of terrorism.

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