Iraq’ Islamic Dawa Party announces its alliances for the upcoming elections

Iraq’ Islamic Dawa Party announces its alliances for the upcoming elections

Shafaq News / Iraq’ Islamic Dawa Party unveiled on Thursday, its political alliances for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Rasoul Abu Hasna, The leader in the party told Shafaq News Agency that The Islamic Dawa Party – Iraq Organization (Tanzim Al-Iraq) will ally with Al-Bashaer and Ma’an (together) Movements in the “State of Law” Coalition electoral list.

He added that the list will be headed by the former Prime Minister, the Dawa Party of Iraq's Nuri al-Maliki.

"This time, the Victory Coalition (Al-Nasr) will run in to elections alone.” Abu Hasna said.

Iraq’s cabinet decided to postpone the general election to Oct. 10, 2021 from June.

The government last year set a general election for June 6, 2021, roughly a year ahead of when it would normally be held, but Iraq’s Independent High Election Commission (IHEC) proposed it be delayed to October to allow more time to prepare.

Early elections were a key demand of anti-government protesters who staged mass demonstrations that started in October 2019. Hundreds were killed by security forces and gunmen suspected of links to militia groups.

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