Iranian Pressure and Internal Disputes Cast Shadow over Iraq's Provincial Elections, Official

Iranian Pressure and Internal Disputes Cast Shadow over Iraq's Provincial Elections, Official

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, the State of Law Coalition, led by Nuri al-Maliki, made a revelation regarding "Iranian pressure" on Shiite political forces to contest the upcoming provincial elections under a single electoral list.

Rasool Radi Abu Hasna, the coalition's leader, disclosed to Shafaq News agency that the Coordinating Framework Forces plan to participate in the Governmental Council elections with multiple electoral lists.

In contrast, the State of Law Coalition has decided to run independently without forming any alliances.

Abu Hasna further highlighted that the Framework forces have yet to finalize their electoral alliances for the provincial council elections.

Discussions occur while internal and external pressures persist, pushing for a single electoral list. However, the framework blocs and parties believe such an approach does not serve their interests.

An official source within the coordination framework revealed that prominent Iranian figures in Tehran discussed future electoral alliances with framework leaders before participating in Iraq's provincial and district council elections.

The source stated that Qais Khazali, Hadi Al-Amiri, and Faleh Al-Fayyad, who represent the framework, held several meetings in the Iranian capital.

These meetings focused on electoral alliances for the coordination framework forces. However, no final agreement was reached regarding forming a sizeable electoral alliance encompassing all framework parties and armed factions, mainly due to Iranian influence.

The evolving political landscape and increasing divisions within the coordination framework and some of its blocs suggest upcoming surprising developments that may impact the distribution of provincial council seats.

Some leaders within the coordination framework have expressed dissatisfaction with Nuri al-Maliki's insistence on "unifying the decision." It is anticipated that they may seize the earliest opportunity to run independently in the provincial elections or join an alliance led by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani or other factions.

Moreover, Ali Turki al-Jamali, a representative of the Sadikoun Bloc, announced his withdrawal from the Sadikoun Parliamentary Bloc, the political wing of the League of the Righteous Movement and the Coordinating Framework. This decision follows a recent dispute between Nuri al-Maliki and the State of Law Coalition. Al-Jamali emphasized his commitment to exposing government corruption and presenting evidence before the competent courts.

Al-Jamali criticized Nuri al-Maliki, accusing his tenure as prime minister of allowing "a third of Iraq" to fall into the hands of ISIS and being characterized by corruption. This exchange led to interactions on social media between supporters of both parties, as well as between al-Jamali and a member of the State of Law Coalition who defended al-Maliki.

Political blocs are gearing up for the provincial elections scheduled for December 18th. While observers anticipate that blocs affiliated with the coordination framework will have a significant presence, some emerging lists may face a potential boycott to prevent them from achieving their aspirations.

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