Iran welcomes any step in the interest of Iraq, Official

Iran welcomes any step in the interest of Iraq, Official

Shafaq News/ The Iranian Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Alireza Enayati, considered the presence of the Arab countries in the Baghdad Conference for the interst of Iraq, which Tehran praises.

"Tehran has no reservations against Saudis, Jordanians, Kuwaitis, Emiratis, Egyptians, the tripartite meeting (Iraq, Egypt, Jordan), and the New Levant Project… on the contrary, we find their presence effective," Enayati said on the sidelines of the 2nd Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership, taking place in Amman.

Concerning the Saudi-Iranian talks under the auspices of Baghdad, Enayati explained, "within a year and a half, we held five dialogues, and Iran expressed satisfaction over the talks, and we do not undermine the role of any party in the region."

Iraq has hosted five meetings between Saudi and Iranian officials since last year, but these contacts have not yielded any breakthroughs to ease tensions in Iraq and elsewhere.

Yesterday, Arabs and European leaders gathered in Jordan Tuesday in the Baghdad conference for "bolstering security and stability in Iraq."

The meeting included high-level officials from regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran, along with leaders from France, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and the European Union. The countries said the goal was to show "support for Iraq, its sovereignty, security, and stability, as well as its political process, economic and development progress, and efforts to rebuild."

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