In a phone call, al-Sadr invites October demonstrators to the Green Zone's sit-in

In a phone call, al-Sadr invites October demonstrators to the Green Zone's sit-in

Shafaq News/ The powerful Shiite clergyman, Muqtada al-Sadr, has invited leading figures in the October protests to join the Sadrist movement's sit-in in Baghdad's Green Zone, a source revealed on Sunday.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "al-Sadr held a seven-minute phone call with the leaders. He told them that al-Hannana welcomes them anytime for dialogue and negotiations."

Al-Sadr laid emphasis on "holding the corrupts and the demonstrators' killers accountable and bring them to justice."

"After al-Sadr's call, the demonstrators and the septuple committee al-Sadr formed held a phone. But they have not met face to face," the source continued, "the invitation is being discussed as things stand."

A source from inside the Sadrist movement confirmed that the Sadrist movement is holding talks with the representatives of the October protests.

"The demands of the October 10 are legitimate. Their demands are not any different from the demands of the Sadrist demonstrators. Both want to hold the corrupts and the demonstrators' killers liable. Both want an early election and a majoritarian government."

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