ISIS targets a village south of Baqubah with mortar shells

ISIS targets a village south of Baqubah with mortar shells

Shafaq News / A government official in Diyala reported that eight mortar shells landed on a village on the outskirts of Buhriz town, 7 km south of Baqubah.

The director of Buhriz, Nizar al-Lahibi, told Shafaq News agency that ISIS terrorists targeted Khalil al-Hasnawi village, south of the town, with 8 mortar shells.

No causalities were registered.

He added that the security forces rushed to the scene and launched a combing campaign in the village's vicinity to arrest the perpetrators. 

It is noteworthy that Buhriz has been frequently subjected to attacks for several years. It was the largest stronghold of al-Qaeda and ISIS in recent years.

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