ISIS's GHOST gets around between Saladin and Kurdistan

ISIS's GHOST gets around between Saladin and Kurdistan

Shafaq News/ ISIS activities between Saladin and Kurdistan Region remain a concern for the citizens, especially after the Organization keeps kidnapping and killing shepherds.

Last February, a video of a shepherd kidnapped and slaughtered by ISIS went viral.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency that ISIS elements are trying to revive "the slaughtering scenes" to frighten the shepherds, so they do not collaborate with the security forces.

He explained that the February incident aimed to pressure the citizens to inform ISIS about the security forces.

Meanwhile, Col. Hakim Karim Saati, a Peshmerga commander, ruled out this scenario, explaining that the terrorist Organization always makes videos about its operations.

Saati told our agency that ISIS members use modern bikes known locally as "Al-Shabah (The Ghost)" to get around the rugged areas with security vacuums between the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga forces.

It is worth noting that ISIS terrorist gangs are active in many areas of Saladin due to security gaps.

Terrorist Organization frequently attacks security forces and citizens and kidnaps people.

In turn, the Iraqi army forces, the Popular Mobilization Forces, and the Peshmerga launched several joint and separate operations against ISIS, which resulted in the death of many prominent leaders and the destruction of their strongholds in the so-called the" Triangle of Death" among the governorates of Diyala, Saladin, and Kirkuk.

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