ISIS militants fled jail in Al-Sina'a prison, KDP warns of a similar scenario in Iraq

ISIS militants fled jail in Al-Sina'a prison, KDP warns of a similar scenario in Iraq

Shafaq News/ On Friday, the spokesperson for the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) bloc, Vian Dakhil, said that the escape of ISIS elements from Al-Sina'a prison in Syria "reminds us of an ominous scenario in Iraq."

In a statement, she said, "We are following with great concern" the escape of dozens of ISIS terrorists from Al-Sina'a prison in the Ghweran neighborhood of the Syrian city of Hasakah, including about 20 leaders of the terrorist organization of Iraqi and Syrian nationalities."

"This terrorist operation reminds us of a previous ominous scenario in Iraq when a large group of terrorists fled from Abu Ghraib prison and others, which resulted in a catastrophe: the fall of more than a third of Iraq at the hands of the terrorist organization and the tragedies in Sinjar and Speicher and the displacement of millions of Iraqis. As well as the destruction of cities during the liberation operations."

Dakhil added, "the international community has to take all necessary measures to track down and eliminate the fugitives to prevent the recurrence of this scenario," calling on the Iraqi federal government to "take immediate and serious measures along the Iraqi-Syrian border to prevent any possible infiltration of ISIS elements into Iraqi territory and to raise the level of coordination with the Global Coalition to avoid another disaster."

ISIS militants attacked a prison in Syria's Hasakah in an attempt to free prisoners belonging to the group who had mutinied, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said in a statement on Thursday.

ISIS "sleeper cells ... infiltrated from the surrounding neighborhoods and clashed with the internal Security Forces," the U.S.-backed group added.

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